Connecting to the market data for HitBTC does not require the user to have a HitBTC account.
In order to trade on HitBTC through Medved Trader, you need to have a HitBTC account. If you don’t have one, create it on the HitBTC website. the Signup link is in the upper right corner.

Create an API key for Medved Trader to use. To do that, log into your HitBTC account on the HitBTC web page, then click on the Settings icon at top right, and click on the API Keys button on the account page. Or just go to

Then click on the New API Key button.

A new API key will be generated and shown to you. For the use of Medved Trader, you need to turn on two options: Order book, History, Trading balance and Place/cancel orders. Click on those options to turn them on. If you have 2FA enabled, it will ask for you to use that to confirm. It may ask for an email confirmation as well. Leave the others blank to make sure that those actions cannot be performed using this API key.
Record both the Secret and the API key somewhere. You will need them to connect Medved Trader to HitBTC for trading.

When you set up your HitBTC trading account in Medved Trader, enter the API and the Secret key that you recorded earlier.